Title: Remote Prompt: CSI: Catherine Willows/Sara Sidle - lonely Requested By: femme_slash_fan Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: This is set in And Then There Were None (2x09). The remoteness of the scene is what inspired me with the ‘lonely’ prompt.
Title: Of Glass and Glasses Author: Temari778 Fandom(s): Orphan Black/CSI Pairing: Cosima/Wendy Rating: G Word Count: 140 Prompt: Science geeks Notes: My first crossover prompt. :)
Title: In A Pinch Author: Temari778 Fandom: CSI Pairing: Sofia/Sara Rating: R Word Count: 130 Prompt: Handcuffs Summary: This consensual game of twists (so to speak).
Title: Common Gesture Author: Temari778 Fandom: CSI Pairing: Catherine/Wendy Rating: PG Word Count: 145 Prompt: First date Summary: First date, first impressions (or not).